Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Farewell, Prison Break! TV Show Producers Mess up AGAIN!

What is it about the American television series creators that they come up with an exciting show idea and then mess up the whole thing towards the end?

I'm a huge fan of Prison Break but I'm really disappointed regarding the story line of the show's final season. With every new episode the show loses credibility. 
Like the majority of people, I like Sarah Wayne Callies' character a lot but when they decided to kill her off the show, it should have stayed that way - at least until the final two episodes or so. I mean, this Bonnie and Clyde thing they have going on right now plus Sara's totally unfit pregnancy is just ridiculous and out of sync with the whole story line. What made the Sara-Michael dynamic so interesting in the beginning was their quest to overcome their physical separation, now that this is gone it's just like any other (romantic) drama series. This is the first thing that really bothers me.
Secondly, now Lincoln and Michael's allegedly deceased "mother" is the evil wannabe head of The Company - seriously? 
Thirdly, Michael, who got into all this trouble to save his beloved innocent brother from death row, the same brother who now made a deal with The Company to save him from dying of brain cancer (which is another ridiculous thing by the way) is determined to work against him - no matter what it takes?

Well, in my opinion, the show is just messed up now. Seriously, it should have ended when they got Scylla and handed it over to Don Self, who instead of screwing the convicts used Syclla to bring down The Company for good. Then, in the final scene they could have shown Lincoln, L.J., Michael, Sara and Sucre living in Panama happily ever after with their surf shop - ok, ok, and a baby to make the Sara-Michael fans happy!

The final three episodes of Prison Break air on Fridays, May 1st, 8th and 15th in the United States - let's see if it can get any worse! ;)

If you're a fan of the show and would like to give your opinion, please feel free to leave a comment! 

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Key to Failure: Trying to Please Everybody

Yesterday was one of those days where I suffered enlightenment. When this happens I usually cry. You might wonder why that is... "isn't enlightenment a good thing?" Well, in my case enlightenment means discovering the blunt (sometimes kind of ugly) truth about myself. 

What I did was taking stock of my life so far and I wasn't exactly pleased with the outcome: I've wasted six years trying to please everybody! I was a really good girl (which is a generally desirable attribute), but I could have been much closer to achieving my goals than I am right now if I just followed my heart instead of other people's expectations. 
The purpose of this post is to ask you not to make the same mistake - pleasing everybody usually doesn't result in success and you will only feel miserable!

It's good to recognize you've got a problem but it's not enough if you want to resolve it! - So, I dug a little deeper and found that there are two reasons for my urge to please everybody: 1. fear of rejection/failure and 2. lack of a healthy self-esteem. 
Discussing these two aspects in more detail is beyond the scope of this brief post (but I may dedicate a future post to both points).
If you want to learn more about dealing with rejection, click here or here.

Now that I know the cause of my problem I can start to make the necessary changes in order to be myself and follow MY dreams!

Next time you make a decision based on what other people expect from you, remember the words of the great Bill Cosby:

"I don't know the key to success but I know the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

Be yourself - and you will have friends and enemies just like everybody else!

If you have any thoughts or advice you'd like to share, please leave a comment or contact me via email!