Monday, February 23, 2009

And the Oscar Goes to...

Well, I think I wasn't too bad with my predictions after all: Slumdog Millionaire (among others) won best picture and best music like I said - "killer soundtrack"! :)
Look at the picture on the left: "Feel-Good Film of the Decade"???? I didn't feel so good after seeing the film! On the contrary, I was devastated by the poverty and the cruelty towards the poor that the movie portrayed. Those are real people and it is based on their reality - how can you feel good after seeing that? All it did was make me think about what we could do to rescue the people from living like that and how lucky I am to have been born in Europe. 
Ok, next, Sean Penn won the Oscar for best actor in a leading role and that made me really happy - although I would have loved to see Frank Langalla winning, too. 
Heath Ledger won best supporting actor for his outstanding Joker-portrayal - and deservingly so!  
Regarding the actresses, I must put straight that it was leaked that Kate Winslet (not Angelina Jolie as I stated in the previous post) would win the Oscar for her role in The Reader and she did. Also a winner, Penélope Cruz as best supporting actress for Vicky Christina Barcelona (even though I was told that the movie was really bad from people around the globe). 
So, that is it for 2008! I'm already curious what this year has to offer - 2008 is definitely difficult to top! ;)

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